
Our 2022 Scholarship Winners Are Smart. Kind. Human. (part 2)


Welcome to our Smart. Kind. Human. series, where we are featuring the amazing students who received $1,000 towards their post-secondary education through Serenia Life’s scholarship benefit in 2022*.

Clear Eyes, KIND Hearts, Can’t Lose

And while all of them are smart and kind and human – obviously! – this month, we’re sharing quotes that demonstrate that this next group of winners are ALL heart.

Alexander Engel

Alexander Engel
“The rule I was always taught has been ‘treat other how you would want to be treated,’ as opposed to ‘treat others how they treat you.’ Being kind is simple in my mind. Everyone has their own troubles in life, and you never truly know what is going on in another person’s world.”

Sam Clay

Sam Clay
“Everybody needs help along the way and the best way to help somebody be the best they can be is through encouragement. Through supporting them, giving them courage and giving them hope, we can all have a positive impact on those around us.”


Emma Sommer

Emma Sommer
“For me, the best way to help build a better world is by showing kindness. At my current job, I always do my best to be a smiling barista that brings joy to someone’s day and helps them find whatever it is that they are looking for in our coffee shop. While sharing my values with the community is important, I also make a great effort to show kindness at home towards my family.”


Jennifer Lenny

“The work I do could not happen or be successful if I was not kind. Kindness to others is important as well as being kind to myself. I am mindful of keeping a balance in my life, so I do not burn out. I would not have developed the respect of the community if I did not show kindness to them and in how I interact with people.”

Lauren Horn

Lauren Horn
“Kindness can be shown in many forms, however, we need to understand the importance of inclusivity when showing kindness.”

Samantha Henry

Samantha Henry
“During a mission trip on Vancouver Island, we spent most of our time doing manual labour for the local elderly and single moms in our community. It could have been easy to enjoy working with just my classmates, but I wholeheartedly gave myself to the mission and spent my conversations and time with the homeowner as much as I could.”

Penelope Grimminck

Penelope Grimminck
“When I am teaching a new employee, I encourage them to keep trying when they make mistakes. Showing kindness allows me to give. I can give advice, I can give them a smile when they are having a bad shift, I can give them another chance.”


Congratulations to all of our 2022 recipients! Read part 1 of our Smart. Kind. Human. series. And stay tuned for part 3 next month…

*Applications for the 2023-2024 scholarship are open until June 30th. Apply today!